51.108799230672, -4.1625450846558
Call 01237 424053 for more information
- Located within main retail core and close main car park pedestrian and vehicular entrance
- Prominent double frontage and window display
- For sale after 17 years of successful operation within same ownership
- Suitable for sole or partnership operation
- Stocking many well known brands including Jellycat, Becky Bettesworth, Orange Tree, House of Marbles
- All year round trade and life style business
Double fronted window display, GIA 676 sq.ft (43 sq.m) Carpet, false ceiling, strip lighting, counter servery and till, assorted shelving and displays
With shelving, stainless steel wash hand basin, low level w.c..
Commercial Funding
Having been in the trade for many years we have established good connections in the finance sector. Our association with these Banks and Commercial Brokers mean that we are able to offer you introductions to competitive finance packages, for a new purchase or refinance purposes alike. Whether it is initial advice on your likely purchase level or if you are at the point of making an offer, you will often be able to achieve preferential rates, possibly saving you thousands of pounds. Please call for more information.
Important Notice
JD Commercial for themselves, and for the Vendors of this property whose Agents they are, give notice that:
- The Particulars are set out in general outline only for the guidance of intending purchasers and do not constitute part of an offer or contract. Prospective purchasers should seek their own professional advice.
- All descriptions, dimensions and areas, references to condition and necessary permissions for use and occupation and other details are given in good faith and are believed to be correct, but any intending purchaser should not rely on them as statements or representations of fact and must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of them.
- No person in the employment of JD Commercial has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatever in relation to this property or these particulars nor to enter into any contract relating to the property on behalf of JD Commercial, nor into any contract on behalf of the Vendors.
- No responsibility can be accepted for any expenses incurred by any intending purchaser in inspecting properties which have been sold, let or withdrawn.
Property Misdescriptions Act 1993
- All measurements are approximate.
- While we endeavour to make our sales particulars accurate and reliable, if there is any point which is of particular importance to you, please contact JD Commercial and we will be pleased to check the information for you, particularly if contemplating travelling some distance to view the property.
- We do our utmost to comply with this Act in full. However we are also trying to represent our clients’ properties in their high possible light, as such we may use summer photographs to promote some properties.
By strict appointment through the selling Agents, JD Commercial, 42 Ridgeway Drive, Bideford, North Devon. EX39 1TW
TEL: (01237) 424053 / 07868 846357 E-MAIL: [email protected]
Braunton is a popular place to live, work and visit, and as such has a lively atmosphere all year round. Though it has a distinct village atmosphere and strong community, its permanent population of around 8,000 helps support a variety of quality restaurants, pubs and shops. Braunton’s own natural beauty and proximity to North Devon’s beaches and countryside makes it popular with tourists too: Saunton (2 miles), Croyde (4 miles), Woolacombe (5 miles), Ilfracombe (7 miles) and Exmoor (7 miles) are nearby, as is North Devon’s commercial centre of Barnstaple (5 miles), and all are reachable by bus. The current Local Plan allows for around 400 new dwellings in the area, along with serviced employment land, key community infrastructure and improved traffic management.
The property has a prominent double frontage onto Caen Street, being the main arterial road through the village, and is within what is considered the retail core of the Village. There are assorted retail and leisure users in the immediate vicinity with Caen Street car park is also close-by.
Being a double fronted retail shop unit with fixtures, fittings and displays creating a fitted card and gift shop. The shop extends to 676 sq.ft (63 sq.m) plus stockroom and toilet.
Our clients are inviting offers for the Leasehold interest of the property and business with an assignment of the existing renewable lease, although we understand the Landlords would consider granting a new lease subject to reference approval. The current rent for the premises is £8,500 pa, with the lease held on an internal repairing and insuring basis.
Having been in the same ownership for the past 17 years, during this time it has been operated as a husband and wife partnership as well as sole operation by one of the partners. The business is operated 6 days per week, 9am-5pm, with main lines including gifts, cards, traditional toys and soft toys, with suppliers including Jellycat, Becky Bettesworth, Orange Tree and House of Marbles. The business qualifies for 100% small business rates relief and is operated with minimal outgoings with the last couple years each producing a net profit of £23,000. More accountancy information available after inspection.
The property is sold with an inventory of trade fixtures, fittings and equipment.
Any current stock to be purchased at valuation upon completion, estimated at £20,000.
Payable, if applicable, at the prevailing rate.
Please contact the agents for a copy of the Energy Performance Certificate and Recommendation Report.